Friday, June 29, 2012

One hundred and one

Welcome to my 101st Blog posting!  
When I started writing this blog last year, I did it as a challenge from my friend's blog.  I have  always wanted to be a writer, I have even taken classes, and yet I was always too scared to try.  Once my words were released into the world I was afraid they might do more harm than good.  One of the points that my friend made about writing is that one should start out writing about something they enjoy.  .  

Why do I write?
Last year I had more time on my hands than ever before in my life while I was recovering from meningitis.  My condition made it impossible for me to return to work, but I could sit up for 20 minute stretches every few hours or so, that is of course when I was actually awake.  If you have ever met me in person you would know that I like to be constantly doing something; I used to be described as "always in motion" but I am rather calm compared to my previous whirlwind existence! Quilting really helped me have that thing to do that saved me from idleness.  Once I actually started joining communities and leaving a few comments or two, my whole world opened up!  Plus I enjoy fabric..

How do I think blogging has changed me?
One little-known fact about me that always surprises people is that I am painfully shy and people intimidate me, often overwhelming me.  I have to work really hard to talk to people face-to-face.  I used to enjoy being busy as a way to stay in the same room as people without having to really talk or interact.  With blogging I have found wonderful people who I would truly consider a friend even though we might never meet face to face!  One of the aspects that has changed about me since I started blogging is that I  am more organized and better at planning out my projects.  I like the idea of feeling like I have accountability for what I am doing.  Now, would someone send me an email letting me have it cause I haven't been working on projects this spring?  No, but I receive wonderful emails asking after me and my baby, encouraging me, uplifting my spirits when I felt at my worst. And I am a better person for it...

Tell me please, why do you blog and/or write? 

I wish I had something to give away here, perhaps I can find something for next month for my day in the blog hop!

Speaking of bog hops, be sure to check out the Red, White & Blue Blocks that will be making their rounds on the blog-o-sphere Start July 1 and running through July 16th.  I will have all the party links here as well, but for all the info and to see what other blog hops are in the offering check out SEW WE QUILT!

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Finishes 26: The Yellow Brick Road

Welcome to Thank Goodness It's Finished Friday (TGIFF)!
Thank you for all those who stopped over to link up and to just browse through everyone's finishes for the week.  If you haven't yet participated, please consider doing so!  Its a rather encouraging group to be a part of and I look forward to looking at all those linking up today!

Lately I have been going through so many transitions that I just want to reach my new "normal" and that is what I set out to do this week.  Having just moved into a new apartment, most of my quilting and craft items are still packed away.  I have this long list of new items that I want to get accomplished but I am trying so hard not to be tempted while I still have unfinished projects calling out from the depths of Baby Girl's closet.

This week I chose to tackle these two quilt tops that have been tucked away since December 2011.

My 2 Brick Path Quilt tops as they were December 2011

How did I come to choose these two items?  Well, to be honest they were the first projects I found in the first craft box I opened after I got my boxes of tools unpacked and settled!  I love the colour combination on these two quilts so much that I decided to completely change Ziona's bedroom decorations to these colours. I don't have enough prints to do what I want to do so her quilt will have to wait a little bit longer while I trade fabric with friends!

The Back of Brick Pathways Quilt #1

I really debated with myself on which FMQ stitch I was going to try out for this quilt, but as soon as I saw the yellow fabric with the little white flowers I had to use my favorite flower stitch I randomly came up with last year.  I have a very short list of stitches I am able to do right now; I still wish I could have participated in several of the FMQ-alongs that have been going on the past 6 months.  Thankfully the web keeps a copy of the posts so I really can join at any time!

A close-up of the FMQ Flower stitching

Now as you can see as of this post on Thursday (posting early due to International Linkers) I was only able to complete the back, stitching and adding the binding on Quilt #1.  I plan to work on Quilt #2 tonight.  If I get it completed I will post pictures and link up as well!  I am hoping to post pictures the final products on Monday next week; we are purchasing a clothes line to put on our porch which I think I might be able to use to get a full shot of the quilts!

Ready For Saturday Night Movie/hand-sewing

Last, but not least, my favorite item to share for the week is that after 2 rounds of vaccines, a pediatrics doctor visit and a nutritionist visit, Ziona has been encouraged to add cereal, fruit, and veggies to her diet!  She is not quite sure that she wants to partake so we have reverted to the bottle while planning to slowly thicken it with cereal until she gets used to the idea.  Thank you for joining me today!  Please link up your finishes below; I will keep it open until Tuesday night (American Time Zone) just in time for you to look forward to WIP Wednesdays at several blog locations.

Daddy Feeds Ziona her first bite of cereal with bananas.
 Be sure to check out next week's TGIFF hosted by Laura @ Quokka Quilts!

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Lilac Lane LLC--Use by Permission
A Year of Making Life Beautiful
I was so excited to receive my copy of Melissa's new book in the mail a few days ago.  I pretty much want to make every item in the book!  Would anyone be interested in doing a blog-a-long going through this book month by month?  I could put up a link party perhaps at the end of  each month.  If you are up for it, please give me some way to contact you! You can check out the book HERE. Look for a giveaway soon!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

WIP-W 26: Getting Settled

Its been a while since I last posting for WIP Wednesdays.  Its been fun getting settled in our new apartment.   I am looking forward to getting projects completed now that some of my craft boxes are getting unpacked and put away.  I am operating literally out of boxes this week but hopefully as I work on the projects I find while opening each box I can dwindle down my UFO list!

I have been working on 3 projects this week.  These are the two Brick Path Quilts I first posted pictures of in December.  I am hoping to get the backs completed & the binding added so I can finish the binding by hand during Movie Night on Saturday night.  I have been working on a secret project for a friend that I am hoping to get finished tonight so I can bring it to them tomorrow around lunch time.  I will be posting pictures and telling about it on Friday for my turn to host TGIFF!  Its such a fun and encouraging group; if you get a project finished this week be sure to pop back over to link up for the party!

Linking up this week to:

Monday, June 25, 2012

Fabric: The Final Frontier

I Love Fabric.  It's just that simple...or is it?  I love companies like Moda or Robert Koffman with their lively bright prints.  For a while there I was buying scrap bags and pre-cuts because I thought that they would save me time and money.  You could build your stash variety for just a little out put of cash, but then I found the more I bought pre-arranged precuts and fat quarters I ended up less creative.  Please don't get me wrong, they produce good quality fabrics but so does a place like Connecting Threads for much less.  Even Walmart and Joann Fabrics carry precuts of "quilting quality fabrics" for a fraction of the price.  So what is a quilter to do?

Well lately I have been conflicted.  I love to quilt, but I can't afford to buy new fabrics.  It feels like every quarter the cost of fabric only increases.  So what is the solution?  For me, right now I have decided to make a goal of using every scrap of fabric I already currently own.  The only thing I really am lacking right now is solid colors, yardage for backs, and imagination.  I propose that I will make as many quilt tops as I can possibly manage to make through the summer.  This is not a challenge to whip out projects as quick as I can, but rather a challenge to use what I already own.  This is what I have been trying to do with the stash reports that I have been woefully neglecting since Baby Girl was born.  Plus, I already have a pile of projects to do already in the hopper and then there are so many quilt-a-longs one can try after that.

What are your goals concerning your fabric?  I have been tempted lately to join the fabric swatch swapping train to add a bit more variety to my life (especially for the fabrics I bought way too much yardage).  Since I forgot to charge my camera's batteries, I will be back tomorrow to show you what I currently have in the WIP hopper and which ones I plan to tackle next!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

4 Months...

A couple days ago my Ziona turned 4 months old, which kind of blew over my mind like a light breeze as I desperately tried to find the box that stored her 12 month clothing and sleepers; it turns out I only have a  couple outfits for that size. 

So Saturday had a friend and I at Cost-co determining the merits of mermaids, butterflies or Fruit loops decorating the fronts of two-piece pajamas (oh so much easier to change a diaper than a zippered piece).  Today we are off to do something truly delightful...Vaccines!  I am still on the fence about getting her ears pierced...What do you think?

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

"Making Life Beautiful..."

I am a little late to the party once again, but please check out the blog tour currently being held for this book!  I am so excited about when this book will come in the mail for me (I pre-ordered it over a month a go).  There are some super-neat items that you will just have to check out the blog book tour to sneak a  peep at what is to come within these pages!  Also for a limited time Melissa has knocked $5 off each book if you purchase the book HERE!

Do First: June (Better Later Than Never)

Do First Lists and Links:
I have been out of the loop in the blog world big time these past few weeks; this time its because of my recent move!  I do not think that we have been this unpacked in the whole 8 years of our marriage.  Not only have I hung a few of my past projects, but we also have pictures and knickknacks out around the apartment. There will be pictures coming soon (as soon as I figure out where I packed the cord that connects my camera to the computer).  This has been an exciting month already with our opportunity to paint both the living room and baby girl's room.  I can't believe that we have such a homey and welcoming little place.  The best aspect is how inspired I am feeling about working on projects; in July you will see a lot more done than I am able to get to at the moment.

Must Do:

1.  Unpack more craft and project boxes

2.  Have a House-warming party

3.  Plan projects for July

4.  Host TGIFF for June 29th

Might Do:

1.  Family Tree Quilt

2.  Work on blocks for the Red, White and Blue Blog hop

What do you have planned for the month?  What do you want to finish or start?  Make your own list and link up for fun!  I have found that posting to WIP Wenesdays and TGIFF for my projects has kept me a bit accountable in the past when I was actively crafting and blogging.  I am trying to live up to the Process Pledge by showing more of my projects while they are in formation mode.  I love the input and I have been given fantastic ideas that I would not have thought of for a project and would have missed out on great learning opportunities had I not shown my projects unfinished and developing!