Updated 10/14/2012 @ 1:31PM CTZ: So another posting glitch. I had several posts set-up to post, but there was a little operator error in what I did, lol. Thanks for reading this late.
I was sorting bins, trying to make room for a Christmas tree someone is going to give us (It will have to go somewhere when February comes around!). I found a tub full of fabric... a lot of yardage. There are some bits of fabric that do nothing but inspire me and then comes this bin of fabric, which actually makes me anxious. I don't know what to do with it all. Over the years I have received a lot of fabric from my mother or other's who are purging their own items. I love fabric, I really do, but I need to get a handle on my collection.
Scrap sorting back into the bins. |

Now I say this over and over and probably sound like a broken record. So I decided to finally do something, something drastic. I found a large box in our storage area and I plan to fill it with items and ship it to Carin at
Margaret's Hope Chest. If you don't know anything about this organization I strongly suggest you check them out (Click on the button above or on my side bar)! They will take fabric, batting, & partially-finished projects or quilts. They also will take totally finished quilts too!
2 yd Red & 1/2 yd. Green fabrics are from the same line (Already own Cream for piping) |
I went to the local craft store in the old downtown area today, which happens to also be where we mail our packages off! Oh Talk about a tempting place! I had already purchased Baby Girl's fabric to make her Christmas dress last Saturday (see picture below, it is counted in my additions for this week). My intentions were to get some packages mailed off, but I had to kick myself for leaving them at home in my rush to get out of the house this morning. So
I do have to put an order in on Friday from Connecting Threads for some specific fabric that a customer wants used for two commissioned Crib Quilts . I waited to place the order because I also need to figure out the border fabric I need for the fish Quilt I have been struggling with for several days. I just want to leave it alone and go back to my Family Tree Wall Hanging so badly, but I have to keep reminding myself that it is for a good cause...Anywho, I was a very good girl and did not pick up fabric today.
Here is my Stash Report through 10/13/2012*:
Used last Week: 5 7/8 yards
Used year to Date: 44 1/2 yards
Added last Week: 2 1/2 yards
Added Year to Date: 45 5/8 yards
Net Used for 2012: -1 1/8 yards
Thanks again for stopping by and you shall see me tomorrow!
*This is a rough estimate in the foggy haze of birth and all that. I do remember getting a stash of fabric from some people moving out of my building in late April & my mother gave me fabric as well (some got passed on to others) but I had to guess at amounts. I will be better about exact amounts from July onward.