On Saturday the whole family including my in-laws who were in for the weekend, drove over to IKEA to find a crib or toddler bed for Miss Z. At 20 months she is just shy of 3 feet tall and her little play yard bed was not working for her any longer. We quickly made our way over to the little kids' section upstairs to see what we could find. Within 15 seconds of my husband putting Miss Z (too fast for me even to take a picture) she was already figuring out how to break out! As we turned the corner we came upon rows of junior beds which are slightly smaller than a twin but longer than a crib/toddler bed. Miss Z's little eyes went wide and her mouth made the perfect "O" as she literally ran to jump on the tester beds. My heart was a little gooey puddle as she looked up at me hopefully, padding the bed and petting the bedding.
We went ahead and purchased her new bed with the idea that we would transition her over to the new bed over the next couple of weeks. Grandpa and Daddy got the new bed put together this afternoon while she was supposed to be sleeping, but was singing in her room instead. We scrapped the idea of a nap and just brought the bed into her room, which she quickly laid claim to as she sat upon it giggling. I thought surely she could try napping in it, but she wanted to get on and off of it. I sat her down on the bed, sitting down at the end while I explained how this was her new bed because she was going to be a big girl so the play yard was for when she was a little girl, but to be safe she needed to stay on the bed. At bedtime that night we got her ready like normal, said prayers, brush teeth like every night, but this time she wiggled down from her Daddy's arms, ran to the new bed, climbed upon it and proudly announced "BED!" We gathered her pillow and dollies, then she snuggled in to sleep and still was laying the same when we checked on her through out that night!

Above is a super awesome Bright Orange chair that both my husband and I are in love with that we saw at IKEA. I would so put that in my livingroom! We went to look at couches because we have not managed to buy a couch when we moved 1.5 years ago. I would rather have the chair because its just so great and it would totally go with our bright green walls, right?! For now we will continue to window shop. Well it certainly would go with the triangle quilt I have been working on and off over the weekend. I have to admit that I have gone slower with this project which has made it turn out better than I expected. I was so overwhelmed by all the points meeting up that I ended up crying about it. My husband came running in to my room when he heard my commotion. I was crying "happy tears" I promised him as he looked at me dubiously. This is definitely a project I plan to repeat, but perhaps with larger triangles next time. The white fabric has a white print on it and I ironed the seams open.

I plan to slice off the edges to add a straight border of, you guessed it, Orange! I am playing with the idea of an inner border as well.
Thanks for sticking with me during this wordy post! I am linking up, for the first time, to Marelze's Anything Goes Mondays. It had a lot of fun links shared so I decided to join the party!
*\o/* Cheers
PS** I am having a drawing for passing on traveling stash box #2! Please take a look HERE, leave a comment on that post to be entered in to win it (US Residents only, sorry). There are so many other delicious boxes being given away, to find out more about those boxes click over HERE, and to read about the guidelines go HERE.