Ever since
Sew We Quilt hosted that Nancy Drew blog hop I have been finding myself taking every day titles and photo captions and making into possible titles for a ND book. Well, obviously not a real book title. We've had a lot of crankiness here lately and not just on Miss Z's part. I know I am not alone in saying that lately I feel like I am losing my motivation. Not only do I not want to get my LONG, LONG list completed, but I haven't snuck off to start new projects, well except that one. I just don't really want to work on anything really, except maybe take a nap. I have been reading this lately all over the blogworld from other quilters, so I know that I am not alone.
So Thursday night I made myself do something while I was watching that new show "the moment" on tv. I also finished up the last little bit today on these projects and so I have 2 more done! *\o/* *\o/*
Table-top checkers mat measuring 21" X 21" |
The Spring Checkers project was made from the left-overs from the following 4-patch & Squares Baby Quilt. I still had eve more 4-patch boxes that I am making into a couple bibs, which hopeful with be completed soon. I started this following Quilt I think early 2012, but it might have been Fall of 2011...needless to say it has lingered!
Baby Quilt measuring 40" X 40" |
The backing |
Hey I also forgot to share with you my Birthday day bib finish from last month, so instead of re-writing another post I am showing you one of the sites I share my finished projects on, you can find my post
Thanks for stopping by, I certainly hope things will settled down here and I can bring more finishes to share!
Linking up to:
Don't forget to check out Kristy's blog for the traveling stash box #3 giveaway, she should be posting soon. You can check out her blog
HERE, Kristy looks very talented.
There are going to be some changes to the traveling stash giveaway upkeep. It looks like Katie will be taking over the upkeep of the traveling stash master list. Katie has such a fun blog to visit you can check her out
HERE. She will tell you when and where to find out the the locations and giveaways of all the traveling stash boxes!