Thursday, November 13, 2014

Z Moments: Wake-up Call

A bright light hits my sleeping eyes..
"Mommy, wake up! It's sunny!"  a little voice calls out.  I carefully open my eyes to spot Ziona holding my cell phone in my face, the clock reading 6am

"No my darling girl it is not sunny, please go back to bed.." I beg.
"I keep the phone!" she declares as she snuggles into the covers next to me.  A few minutes later I realized that she has unlocked my phone, found the Netflix ap, changed profiles and has started her favorite show.  Not bad for 2.5 years old.

If only her feet could reach the sewing pedal we could get her sewing!  She is already letting me know that she would like the pink hello kitty machine we saw at Target...I love my girl!  We are going to be setting up a design wall of her very own very soon so that she can lay out scraps, play with them and I can sew them together into blocks.  From there we will be making some items for her dollies.

*\o/* Cheers

1 comment:

  1. You two are going to have so much fun together. Precious times for both of you.


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