Wednesday, October 3, 2012

The Music Man and his Little Lady (LMH D3)

Now I don't know if I have mentioned it before, but my husband is a musician.  He has played the violin since he was a small child; he then picked the guitar up in High school and a little piano in College.  He has been pretty busy between Full-time work, two seminaries (6 credit hours at each!), study groups, choir (He sings too), and serving at our church.  Needless to say, he doesn't have a lot time to sit down & relax by playing music.  

Last night he was playing though and our little girl stared as if transfixed on her daddy.  She speedily crawled across the living room carpet to investigate.  At one point Ziona ended up in the guitar case petting the lining and playing with the metal fastenings, but her favorite part was strumming the strings on her Daddy's Guitar!  She didn't do too bad, certainly better than me!  She usually loves the Cello  from watching videos of the Piano Guys on Youtube, but she may branch out in her love for music.  Have you heard their music or seen their fantastic videos? You can find their Youtube Channel HERE.  I will share one, and you will see just how beautiful their music is!

Check out more leafy offerings:

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing! My husband is a guitar player as well and I loved seeing my baby girls transfixed by the sound of his music. Now that they are older they still love to watch and listen to Daddy play. My 6 year old is even asking for a little guitar lesson every now and then. Enjoy every moment... they go by so fast!


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