Tuesday, March 11, 2014

The Traveling Quilt & More

I have been a little bit sporadic the past few weeks on my postings, my responses and there also seemed to be an issue with some of my posts publishing  Our household had it's very first occurrence where I did not get sick but the rest of my family caught the flu; baby girl caught that & the croup.  I was happy to get my post up this past week for my day on the blog hop *\0/*, but I still have yet to post what I was working on for FNSI 2 weeks ago. Please check back to see that post, later today I will be able to add pictures.  It is just a little bit early to be sneaking into baby girl's room to snap a picture of one of the items.

The Traveling Quilt
I have joined up with a small group of people for us to have our quilt blocks go on a journey.  I have a slight obsession with rainbowy things so that is where my inspiration pieces start.

For my quilt I have asked the people in our group to just make rainbow blocks of different sizes.  I want to to then join them together myself with some extra fabric I have on order because I want to send this quilt to someone to quilt for me!  It will be the first quilt I have ever done so, but this quilt will be for my own bed so it will be worth the extra money.  I just could not ever come up with a color plan for my own bed that would work until I made my rainbow trip around the world quilt for the Kona Hop that is a wall hanging in my bedroom [post HERE].

*\o/* Cheers

Think Ruffles Hop-Fifth Day


  1. Ooh, beautiful! Looking forward to seeing more of this, Shanna!

  2. That is going to be gorgeous and will pop in your room.

  3. Oh, my! Your rainbow strip is so stinkin' pretty!!! And your tree is marvelous. I'm seriously drooling over here, can you tell? ;D


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