Thursday, March 21, 2013

Really Random Thursday

As I have mentioned we have been sick the last couple weeks or so.  Mostly I think its due to allergies on both our parts--Spring is not something I really forward to here because it starts mid-February and I seem to be allergic to everything here in Texas!  But on a happier note I have been snapping some great pictures of Little Miss Z!  

So here are "the Many feelings of Little Miss Z" collection!

Contentment:  I am sitting with my friends watching Elmo's World, "This is Better than a Nap!"
Happy: Mommy gave me a chocolate chip cookie, "I wonder how many more of these she has?"
Fear:  First time on a baby slide, "Am I still alive?"
Contemplation:  "Do I ever have to do that again Mommy?"
Sadness:  Daddy has to work late "Where Daddy?"

Excitement:  Mommy has Cheese for me! "Yes!!  You heard my tummy speak!"
Curiosity:  I don't like this spot after all.  "Mommy HELP!"
On that Last picture, she scared me to death!  I sat her down in the chair to have some Cheerios and milk (in the bottle), which she does almost every morning and this day she got a little curious!  The funny part is that I was a couple feet away folding laundry; I didn't even hear her move until she screamed!  She gets buckled in to her baby chair from that moment onward.  The other funny thing she likes to do is shut her bedroom door and scream from the other side because she can't get out!  I have even pulled her toy box, which is heavier than she is, over in front of the door, but she just pushes it out of the way...

Meanwhile on the living room floor once she is asleep...
Let there be batting!
I told you that I found some batting, well it turned out that it was for a King-sized bed.  I honestly cannot remember when I bought this little roll of batting, but I was happier than Miss Z with some cheese I will tell you, when I found it in my storage closet in a box I was sorting!  I can pretty much only give 2 inches on each side of the tops to be able to use this batting for all four tops.  I haven't really gone beyond matching the tops with some batting; I still need to press the tops and the backings that I have prepared.  The Time Warp Quilt (Upper Right) doesn't yet have its backing assembled and ironically, its the only one of the four that I have the binding figured out!  I just cannot make up my mind for the binding on the other three or what colored thread to use to FMQ Stitch these pieces. 

So far my husband has suggested yellow for the Red Eye Quilt (lower right) and I am leaning towards White thread for Time Warp and Black thread for 4-patches & Squares (lower left) and I have no idea for Zig Zag (upper Left).  What do you think?  Opinions are welcomed!  Well, I don't expect to have anything completed to share with you tomorrow, but my goal is to get these completed by the end of the month along with that Wonky Christmas Advent Calendar that has been on my list for 100 years (sure feels like it)!



  1. I love the faces of Miss Z!!! They do find themselves in some really interesting (and scary) situations at that age.

    What an awesome piece of batting to find!!! On the zig zag - could you use the green on the center and the blue thread for the borders?

  2. Miss Z will turn you grey before your time. But there really is no way to keep her from exploring. In a few months you won't be able to buckle her in because she will have figured out how to unbuckle.

    Might I suggest you teach her how to open the door? Can she reach the doorknob or is that the real problem? It is a very interesting age. I've got fond memories of my daughter at that age too.

    1. She cannot yet reach the door, but when she can reach door knobs in other places, she has already figured out how to turn them! Although tall for her age, she is still only 13 months old! She is already watching me very carefully when I buckle her in, so I think you are right!

  3. Ms Z is adorable. I remember these days well. They go by so fast. Treasure every moment. Also treasure every "Let there Be Batting!" and quilty moment.

    Lovely quilts! I agree with your hubby on the yellow. The white and black are also good choices. I would use a light to medium varigated blue/green for the zig zag in the upper left, red binding for the 4-patch, yellow binding for the Red Eye, and a muticolored print or scrappy binding for the zig-zag. JMHO You have brought these pretties this far, I am sure you will make picture perfect finishes.

    I wandered in from Random Thursday. Thanks for sharing ... :) Pat

    1. I never thought of do a variegated thread; I will have to check that out tomorrow when I go to pick up thread! Thanks for the idea!

  4. It was so much fun to see your delightful baby. My youngest grandchild is almost three and they live on the "opposite" coast. (I'm on the west). Looking at your lovely girl makes me imagine my grandchild when she was that age, which I only saw once.

    Great idea with the emotions. *Giggle*

  5. Miss Z is quite adorable! I don't think I have much advice to share on the quilts as I rarely do my own quilting, although this year I plan on changing that. So I better get started--it's almost April!

  6. Miss Z is positively adorable!

  7. Cute little Miss Z!

    Your Asterisk quilt is featured on the Selvage Blog today. Link is:

    I would have send an email about this, but I couldn't find your Contact info.



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